Ashview Software

Office 6 Banbridge Business Centre
62 Scarva Road
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
BT32 3QD

Phone: +44 (028) 40621550
Fax: +44 (028) 40621559

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Company Description

Who we are Ashview Software limited was formed in 2000 to provide Software Engineering and Consultancy services to our customer base in the USA, United Kingdom and Ireland. The company is based in Banbridge Northern Ireland from where we offer services to clients from London to California. The engineering team have a history spanning some 25 years and have gained experience in many industrial and commercial markets. What we do Ashview Software are business application developers based in the UK, specialising in software for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems and development tools. We have a lot of experience in MS Visual Basic, SQL Server and Crystal reports. What we can do for you Ashview Software can offer you a complete bespoke service form initial design through to implementation, staff training and ongoing maintenance. Our staff will help you to define your requirements and design and write a complete system fully tailored to your needs. Or simply add the reports that are missing from your existing system and produce them to your exact requirements. Why not email our Sales Department with your requirements for a no
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