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Fordway Solutions Ltd

21 To 24 Boundary Business Centre
Boundary Way
Woking, England
GU21 5DH

Phone: 01483 764040
Fax: 01483 764015
Website: http://www.fordway.com

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Company Description

Fordway is a company specialising in providing services associated with the implementation and support of leading edge business critical Information technology infrastructures. We deliver the foundation on which clients build the applications infrastructure to support their business goals. Fordway focuses on the delivery of professional service, solutions, network infrastructure and support services to organisations in the public or private sector with 150+ computer users throughout the UK, with the majority of our clients having 150 – 1000 computer users. Our work is collaborative, involving client personnel and resources and the transfer of skills to the client. We work against specific objectives with clearly established outcomes and timings, with the sole aim of contributing to client business goals. Our most important customers are IT Directors and Managers with key responsibility for the development of Company IT strategy and charged with the implementation of such to agreed timescales and budgets. These types of clients do not want to waste their time or risk their money looking for cheap services or questionable expertise. As they go into markets looking at new opportunities, they are very sensitive to risking their company's name and reputation. Our clients come to us for scalable, temporary expertise. They understand that our kind of expertise would be very difficult and expensive to get from full-time, permanent employees. Furthermore, their needs are usually temporary: the crunch is at the time of planning and the deployment of new IT services. If a need is later established for ongoing support this is usually fulfilled by hiring.
*This description and profile was provided verbatim by the company listed