Access IT Solutions

60 Churchill Square
Kings Hill
West Malling, England
TN12 0SU

Phone: 01732 523500
Fax: 01732 523505

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Company Description

The management team within Access IT Solutions is comprised of industry professionals with mor than 30 years of corporate IT experience with proven management success. Knowledge and depth of experience which has been aquired through succesful implementation of solutions across all industry sectors. This, combined with highly trained employees and strategic partnerships, gives Access IT Solutions the foundations to deliver comprehensive solutions to satisfied customers. Our solutions are designed to meet clients' financial objectives, exceed expetation, and to provide proactive and continuos improvement throughout a working relationship. Access IT Solutions invests in people and utilises up to date industry skills. All Consultants and Engineers are allocated according to skills set and the clients needs. We have many strategic partners within the industry including IBM, CISCO, Juniper Networks, HP and BT. Enabling us to provide solutions to small Business and corporate clients alike. We strive to make the best use of our professional resources to offer a quality solution to all of our clients and to deliver the consummate customer service to their satisfaction.
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