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Firsteq Solutions Limited

The James Gregory Centre
Aberdeen Science & Technology Park
Aberdeen, Scotland
AB22 8GU

Phone: 01224 355212
Fax: 01224 355213
Website: http://www.firsteq.net

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Company Description

Firsteq Solutions are a company who specialize in outsourced Information Technology and Accounting solutions. We can deliver outsourced software development projects using Microsoft development technologies, including .NET, VB, Java and C#. We specialize in internet, web service and XML developments. Our database design and integration solutions can connect Microsoft SQL Server with other database systems, particularly Lotus Domino, for both real-time and batch data transfers. Typically this can be used for providing web developments where multiple data sources are in use by the client and for legacy database upgrades and consolidation into a single RDBMS.
*This description and profile was provided verbatim by the company listed