April 2005
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The best small business news and information, exclusive offers, IT advice and more - every month.
The Hot Topic
Appraisals and your business   
Staff appraisals can seem like a chore, but they have a real affect on staff retention. Find out more.
Business Advice: employing others
Hiring your first employee   
Taking on someone for the first time is a daunting prospect. Get a free, step-by-step plan, customised to suit your circumstances (free registration required).
Placement students in your business   
Does your business need an enthusiastic employee to work on a particular project? See if a placement student could help you.
IT Advice
Monitoring internet and email use   
Do you know what your staff are up to on the internet? Monitoring them is a tricky subject - read our advice.
Quick tips for Excel   
Working with figures isn't usually much fun, even at the best of times. Do your sums faster with our quick tips for Excel.
Has your PC been hijacked?   
It sounds like something from a George A. Romero film, but zombie PCs are rife on the internet. Find out what they are, and make sure yours isn't one of them.
Coming Soon
Coming soon...   
bCentral is changing
We're currently putting the finishing touches to a new look for bCentral, with improvements to search and navigation, and some exciting new features in the pipeline. Keep an eye on the site in the next few weeks.
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