What's new on bCentral?
This month we felt like having fun - and so can you, by playing our new game GenUwin. Find your way through the office maze, eat the dots and avoid the viruses to win. There's a serious message behind the game (well we had to justify it somehow), but it's great fun to play. Give it a go now >>
Relationship advice
We're coming up to a crucial time of year for many businesses. It's one where loyalty, communication and being there at the right moments all count if you want to succeed. So this month, we're offering some relationship advice. Customer relationships, that is. What did you think we meant?
Email marketing
Done right, email marketing is a cheap, quick way of reaching your customers - and building their trust in you. But do it badly and people might think you're a spammer. Get people signed up without making that mistake. More...
Best customer, best service?
Every business needs to respond to customers quickly, and in the right order. After all, you don't want to keep your best client waiting. Answer a few questions and see if a server can help your customer relations. More...
Keep things in focus
Falling to prey to distractions is easy, especially at busy times of the year. Our Better Business Toolkit will show you how to stay focused on the important things - like your customers. More... (Free registration required.)
Customer care counts
It pays to keep existing customers happy - after all, they've already chosen you ahead of your competitors. These tips from MSN Money show you how doing a few small things can make a big difference. More...
November's software tip
If you have lots of documents open at once in a Microsoft Office application, Ctrl + F6 cycles between them. In Excel you can also use Ctrl + Tab to step forward and Shift + Ctrl + Tab to move back. More tips >>
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Other features
Are passwords past it?
Security expert Matthew Stibbe thinks it's the beginning of the end for passwords. So this month he looked at some interesting alternatives, like fingerprint recognition. More >>
Staff incentives
Holding onto your customers is important, and so is holding onto your employees. It's not all about money - have you considered offering other perks and incentives? More >>
Business insomnia
Do aspects of running your company keep you awake at night? Daily Telegraph columnist Dr. James B Rieley has advice that makes it easier to relax.
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