December 2004
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The best small business news and information, exclusive offers, IT advice and more - every month.
The Ho-ho-hot Topic
The Better Business Tookit   
The Better Business Toolkit's absolutely free, and will help you with every aspect of running your business. Try it now and get a free business plan
Christmas Competition
Win a £1,500 PC bundle   
We're giving away a great Christmas present. Enter now to win a PC bundle worth £1,500
Business Advice
More people than ever are shopping online this Christmas. Make sure your transactions are safe
Tips and Tricks
Become a Word Wizard   
Be more efficient with Microsoft Word. Follow our ten tips to do new things and be more productive
Don't rely on your eyes to line things up in Publisher. Use the nudge tool to hit the right spot every time
Special Offers
Special Offers   
Grab some Christmas present bargains with our special offers
Mobilise your business and work away from the office. Find out how with our interactive webcast
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