Microsoft SupplierShowcase(tm) 06/07 - The Online Exhibition
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Marketing Hall - Marketing Consultants

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Brand New Way SME

Finding it hard to attract new customers? Disappointed with spending time and money on marketing but not seeing the results your business needs? Discover how Brand New Way helps companies to attract new and valuable customers. Benefit from the same expertise that has transformed the marketing performance of Asda, Egg, AA, HBoS, & ITV.

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Casablanca Consulting

Using Strategic Marketing & Financial Analysis techniques, we create clarity, advise on strategic options and provide the project and change management skills to turn vision into reality. Whether you want to enter new markets, develop new products, prioritise between competing ideas or obtain new funds we can help.

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Ascension Consulting

We are experienced in delivering board level strategic counsel and executive level implementation for corporate, business and consumer campaigns. We will help you find the moments of distinction that deliver competitive advantage. Contact us today and find out why we get hired by international organisations right through to entrepreneurs.

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Online Seminars

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou Brand Extension
From easyJet to easyGroup – Stelios Haji-Ioa...
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