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Being a Good Boss

Get them doing more
Straightforward steps towards more productive employees

Feed the overdraft, feed the soul
Microsoft's Andrew Munro on how to keep sight of why you started up

Coping with staff sickness
Curb non-genuine absence and get sick employees back to work sooner

Computer health and safety
Are you sitting comfortably?

NVQs and you
Assess and train your employees with National Vocational Qualifications

Harness your people power
John Herbert shares the wisdom gained from years of motivating employees

Childcare voucher schemes
Help your staff with childcare costs - and save yourself money

Drinking at work
What to do if you suspect an employee of drinking on work time

On-the-job training
Tips on training in small businesses

Handling sick leave
Why you should record and follow up all absences

Managing flexible work
Deciding what's right for you and your staff

Improve your work-life balance
Ten time-management tips to improve your work-life balance

Communicating with staff
Expert columnist James Rieley explains how to improve business communication

Working together
Here's how to make a team act like one

Real rewards for employees and businesses too

Motivate with incentives
How benefits could boost your bottom line

Benchmarking your business
Manage performance by comparing against other small businesses

Coping with stress
Deal with the pressures of running your own company

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